These urine drug tests and alcohol saliva tests may be used in the workplace to test for many substances in the urine and saliva of employees or for temporary and pre-employment hiring. In addition, these can be used for post-accident, reasonable cause, security, random and personal drug screening within small and large companies. They can also be used at schools, for athletics, probation, on-site, construction, workplace, and remote sites. Our testing kits can be used anywhere there is a need for instant results, as well as in the privacy of your home. We are dedicated to helping people help others with possible drug problems or addictions. Our concern is for your well being.
We also provide information regarding signs of drug abuse, drug side effects, marijuana effects and facts, cocaine side-effects, PCP, M-AMP (ecstasy), and opiate (morphine and heroin) effects. In addition, we have names of substance abuse treatment agencies and their contact information. Get a urine drug test or saliva alcohol test at our secure and private website.

You may want to utilize these urine drug test products to help protect the health and wellness of your family members, friends, or business associates that you suspect may be using illicit drugs.
Our FDA cleared drug tests are for parents or other concerned individuals. Should you suspect the use of recreational drugs, these drug tests would provide help without invasion of privacy.
Our self-help drug tests provide panel abuse testing for BAR (barbiturates), TCA (tricyclic antidepressants), AMP (amphetamines), BZO (benzodiazepine), NIC (nicotine, cotanine), Marijuana (THC, weed, pot, cannabis), opiates (OPI, morphine, heroin), PCP, methamphetamines (M-AMP, ecstasy), cocaine (COC), and alcohol.